[Jul.22 Upd] Long-Term Regional Reanalysis for Japan with Assimilating Conventional Observations (RRJ-Conv) is released
[2024/07/22 Added] Submitting a “separate application form” is no longer required to simplify administrative p […]
Correction of “.ctl” files and defects in daily mean wind speed in “5-km resolution ensemble climate data in Japan.”
We have found two new problems described below with the “5-km resolution ensemble climate data in Japan” (d4PD […]
"Typhoon DDS for changing climate by a regional a–o coupled model" published
This dataset is the result of the reproduction experiment and the pseudo global warming (PGW) experiments unde […]
Telemeter data and its download system have been released.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's telemetry system is a system that acquires, reco […]
JRA-55 near real-time data update will be terminated.
The JMA, the provider of this dataset, has announced that the update of the near real-time JRA-55 data will be […]
"5-km resolution ensemble climate data in Japan" released
This dataset is a dynamically downscaled version of the "database for Policy Decision-Making for Future Climat […]
Digital Typhoon Dataset released
DIAS has newly released the “Digital Typhoon Dataset” on November 3, 2023. This dataset comprises meteorologic […]
JRA-3Q-COBE is newly released, and a part of JRA-3Q added
JRA-3Q-COBE released JRA-3Q-COBE is a sub-product of JRA-3Q. For JRA-3Q-COBE, we refer the JMA's JRA-3Q homepa […]
Newly published datasets this year so far
Five new datasets have been released so far this year. Here is a brief introduction. Typhoon DDS dataset for c […]
Three new dataset published, from the upcoming "Dataset2022"
We published three new datasets. Please refer to the respective metadata page, from each link, about the overv […]