Japan Meteorological Agency Global Warming Projection Volume 9 dataset is released
Japan Meteorological Agency Global Warming Projection Volume 9 dataset is released on DIAS. Please visit the l […]
Dynamical Regional Downscaling Using the JRA-55 Reanalysis (DSJRA-55) dataset is released
Dynamical Regional Downscaling Using the JRA-55 Reanalysis (DSJRA-55) dataset is released on DIAS. Please visi […]
Atmosphere and weather related datasets are released
The following new datasets are released in DIAS. Please visit the links below for more details and access inst […]
Atmospheric GCM datasets are released
The Atmospheric GCM and other related datasets are released on DIAS. Please visit the links below for more det […]
JRA55_AMIP dataset is released
The Japanese 55-year Reanalysis AMIP-type simulation (JRA-55AMIP) dataset is released on DIAS. Please visit th […]
JRA-55C dataset is released
The Japanese 55-year Reanalysis using conventional data only (JRA-55C) dataset is released on DIAS. Please vis […]