History of DIAS
1980's | “Global Environment Data Repository” was started by Prof. Mikio Takagi at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. Its development was supported by numerous projects. |
FY2006 - FY2010 | The phase I project of Data Integration and Analysis System was launched as "Earth Observation and Ocean Exploration System". It is regarded as one of National Key Technologies. A prototype was developed in 2010. |
FY2011 - FY2015 | In the phase II project, the name of DIAS changed into “Data Integration & Analysis System Program (DIAS-P) ”. the further advancement and expansion of functionality were carried out to apply DIAS as a social and public infrastructure. |
FY2016 - FY2020 | The phase III project has begun as “the Program to Promote the Development of Earth Environmental Information Platform”. This project focuses on developing and operating the long-term stable system as a social platform. This system aims to provide the service and operate the applications, which would help solve various social problems, including climate change adaptation and mitigation. |
FY2021 - | Phase IV of the project started as the "Data Integration and Analysis System" Platform Project. The project aims to expand and develop further data utilization by using the information infrastructure established so far, and to collaborate with other information infrastructure, such as the Earth Simulator operated by JAMSTEC, to achieve long-term stable operation as a data integration and analysis platform (hub) that will contribute to solving economic and social issues arising from climate change. |