Report on DIAS User Survey (conducted in February 2022)
We conducted a web survey of DIAS account holders in February 2022. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
This survey was conducted in both Japanese and English, with approximately 68% of the responses in Japanese and 32% in English.
Affiliations of DIAS account holders
About half of the respondents belonged to research institutions (universities, research and development corporations, etc.), followed by companies, public offices, local governments, and students, in that order. “Others” included weather forecasters and individuals.

Affiliations of DIAS account holders distribution
Fields for which DIAS is intended to be used
The most common use of DIAS is in the field of meteorology, climate, followed by disaster risk management and water environment, water resources. “Others” included astronomy, application development, building energy consumption forecasting, and ocean physics.

Fields for which DIAS is intended to be used
Features that have been used and expected to be used in DIAS
The most common feature used in DIAS was data download, followed by data processing, use of applications, use of analysis environment, and learning, skill acquisition. The most common feature expected to be used in DIAS was also data download, followed by data processing, use of analysis environment, data release, and learning, skill acquisition. With the exception of data download, the number of responses for expected features exceeded the number of responses for features the respondents have used before.

Features that have been used and expected to be used in DIAS
Regarding comments and questions
Please refer to the FAQ page for answers to some of the questions and comments that you have indicated in the free-text section of the survey.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We are discussing our response to each of your comments in order to improve the operation of DIAS services.
We will continue to conduct periodic surveys to consider improvements to our systems and services that reflect your opinions.
Thank you for your continued support to DIAS.