
Ask for DIAS User Survey 2023

Thank you for using DIAS.

We also thank you for participating in the DIAS user survey last year. Based on your opinions and comments, we have started new activities such as joint research using the DIAS Analysis Environment (announcement in Japanese only), the release of the “Climate Prediction Dataset 2022” from DIAS, which aims to contribute to climate change adaptation in Japan, and so on. We also have released a FAQ page based on the questions we have received on the survey.

So we have decided to conduct this kind of survey periodically (about once a year) to make your usage and opinions about DIAS activities and services a reference for our service management.

We started to send an email with the subject “Ask for DIAS User Survey 2023” to all of the DIAS account holders. It is a simple one that will take a few minutes to answer. Please access the URL provided in the email. The deadline is Friday, February 10, 2023.

If you are a DIAS account holder and have not accepted the email, please check your SPAM box and then ask the DIAS Office (address at the bottom of this page).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.