
Ask for the DIAS User Survey 2024

Thank you for using DIAS.

DIAS will conduct a survey to understand how you use our services and make your opinions a reference for managing our services.

DIAS is a research project operated by public research funds. It aims to develop a platform that provides various solutions by utilizing global environmental information, and it returns the results of its research to society by providing services such as data collection, publication, and analysis. Your input is essential for DIAS to promote further social contribution and to expand and enhance its services.

In DIAS projects, you are not just a user but a participant in disseminating and evolving publicly funded research results. Therefore, please take a moment to complete the survey. Your comments and ideas will help us to evolve DIAS further.

Within a few days, we will send an e-mail with the subject “Ask for the DIAS User Survey 2024” to all DIAS account holders. Please access the survey form from the URL provided in the text and respond to the survey.

The deadline for responses is Thursday, February 8.

If you have a DIAS account and have not accepted the e-mail, please check your SPAM box.

For any other inquiries regarding this survey, please e-mail the DIAS Office. E-mail addresses are listed at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.