
Spatio-Temporal Image Data Archive of 3.11 Earthquake and Tsunami Disasters and Recoveries is released

Spatio-Temporal Image Data Archive of 3.11 Earthquake and Tsunami Disasters and Recoveries dataset is now available on DIAS. The archive contains more than 6 million scenes of pictures which captured affected areas over 6 years from April 2011. With omni-directional cameras, Ladybug3 and Ladybug5, and GPS on a special car, the research team at Tohoku University visited the same disaster areas repeatedly at every one or two months. Along the Tohoku coastal area of total 500km length, they have recorded omni-directional high-resolution images at every 1 or 2m steps. It aims to track and archive long-term recovery efforts in regions stricken by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami disaster.

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